Social Quarters: 941-429-4229

Office/Annex: 941-429-4440
Sat & Sun Breakfast Buffet 8 AM - noon
SQ open: Sun: 8 AM - 9 PM; Mon - Thurs: 10 AM - 10 PM;
Fri: 10 AM - midnight; Sat: 8 AM ~ midnight

Chapter Officers
Sr Regent: Catherine Frangkos
Treasurer: Becky Brooke
Secretary: Gail Soderman
Jr. Past Regent: Brenda Seal
Membership/Retention - Andrea Fiordeliso
Fraternal Activities - Theresa Morefield
Mooseheart/Moosehaven - Patricia Groves
Higher Degree Chairman - Ann Mell

Women of the Moose Chapter 1892, Moose Lodge #764
Join the Moose today. Our organization is open to both men an women and we share the same application.  Complete the application online through a  secure portal at Moose International, the link is be-a-moose , you'll be glad you did.